Lea zoekt een Kamer / Huurwoning / Appartement in Eindhoven

Lea zoekt: Een Kamer / Huurwoning / Appartement in Eindhoven

  • Kamer / Huurwoning / Appartement
  • Min. 1 m2
  • Anders
  • 24 Per direct

My name is Lea, I’ll be 20 years old by the time I come to Eindhoven. I’ll start my bachelor degree in Architecture at TU/e and I plan on also working while studying. About myself, I am from Slovakia, my parents raised me to be clean and help in the household, so I have no problem with cleaning. My hobbies are painting, pottery and working out. I'm also learning dutch so I can fit in my new enviroment well.

Algemene informatie: Lea
  Anders, 20 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars Architecture, urbanism and building siences (GYMNASIUM)